Snowstorm+ Dümmen Orange - Rosa Plaza

Snowstorm+ the white rose that excels in quality, thanks to its successful partnership with Dümmen Orange.

October 2024,

Last September, on a beautiful late summer day, we teamed up with Dümmen Orange and Freshco Flowers to highlight the buyers of the Snowstorm+. We treated staff to a delicious ice cream, and as icing on the cake, everyone received a beautiful Snowstorm+ to take home. 'What are you going to do with it?" was joked. 'What do you think? Give it to my wife of course!" That's the magic of flowers - they say more than words and make people happy.

The power of the Snowstorm+

With this successful marketing campaign, set up in collaboration with Dümmen Orange, still fresh in our minds, we would like to put the spotlight once again on the beautiful Snowstorm+. This unique variety, which we are now growing for the third year at our Debre Zeit location, continues to surprise us with its exceptional characteristics and beauty.

A reliable and beautiful breed

The Snowstorm+ has proven to be one of the stronger varieties in our crop. Thanks to its low disease pressure and excellent growth results, this rose is among the favourites among growers. The Snowstorm+ easily develops length in the crop and maintains its high quality from greenhouse to vase. Even through the chain, from transport to distribution, the Snowstorm+ holds its own. The end result is full blooms every time, with all flowers opening beautifully.

A rose that makes people happy

Whether in action like this, or simply to surprise a loved one, the Snowstorm+ continues to impress. Her radiant white flowers symbolise elegance and freshness, and are a perfect choice for all kinds of occasions. We are proud of the performance of this rose and remain committed to further perfecting this variety.

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