Rosa Plaza Samantha's BridalRosa Plaza Samantha's Bridal
Rosa Plaza Samantha's BridalRosa Plaza Samantha's Bridal

Samantha's Bridal

The soft purple colour with greenish exterior makes the Samantha's Bridal a beautiful addition in this colour range.



Stem length:

Button size:


Samantha's Bridal
40-60 cm
4.5-5 cm
Rosa Plaza DZ Roses

Other species

Rosa Plaza Aqua


The dark pink colour of Aqua! is unique and has been the standard for years. A bunch of Aqua! never disappoints!
Rosa Plaza Alstroemeria - True Dream

True Dream

Heavy stems, large flowers, a soft colour: the True Dream is the perfect alstroemeria for the florist.


A standard in the range for years and for good reason. This strong rose is a topper in the medium-sized flower range.
Simply Red - Rosa Plaza

Simply Red

Samantha's Bridal

The soft purple colour with greenish exterior makes the Samantha's Bridal a beautiful addition in this colour range.
Athena Royale - Rosa Plaza

Athena Royale

This elegant pink rose is loved for its beautiful appearance. This strong rose is a favourite among florists.