The importance of additional support for our Ethiopian staff

Why we support our employees in these tough economic times

Economic times are tough in Ethiopia. High inflation and a shortage of hard currency mean that basic necessities have become increasingly expensive. The country is slowly recovering after the civil war, but the economic situation is still under pressure. Our staff suffer from this every day. Food prices are exploding and many other items are not even available.

Besides raising salaries substantially every year to keep up with inflation, we also try to support our employees in other ways. At the nursery in Debre Zeit, we offer subsidised meals in our own canteen. This is where a group of ladies prepare breakfast and lunch every day, which our employees enjoy using.

In Ziway, the situation is somewhat different again. As this village is further away from the capital, it again has its own problems. Whereas in the West we go to the supermarket in the next village/town when the local supermarket doubles its prices, in rural Ethiopia this is much more difficult. This is therefore regularly abused by creating scarcity. By purchasing basic items like sunflower oil, flour and the like centrally as a company, and providing them subsidised to our employees, they can keep the cost of living under control.

Ultimately, if our employees struggle to make ends meet, and therefore eat poorly and unhealthily, it also backfires on our company. Through good remuneration and excellent fringe benefits, we see that our employees stay healthy and motivated to work to make the most beautiful flowers every day.

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